To the helpful young Gentleman who advertised his services on Facebook re helping the Elderly with their IT problems.

I refer of course to the inimitable Mr David Jackson, who must cringe every time I let him know what problems I'm having. My playout laptop/VDJ threw a wobbler a while ago, we're not sure if I had flicked a switch accidentally or not. He rebuilt it from the ground up, and last night was its first outing since that. It's now 99% tuned to my personal tastes, and we just need to sort out a minor mapping issue for it to be perfect. Thanks again mate, it's really appreciated.

Now the bad news mate. I need to know how to use Engine DJ, one of the most counter intuitive, slow, clunky pieces of software it's been my misfortune to encounter. If you're lucky, Benny or Wayne may take pity and let me know how to make drives searchable on the Prime. I know it can be done, because one of yours that you plugged in to the Prime GO worked fine. At times, I find it really annoying that what is essentially a Cortex on steroids is actually less powerful, unless I can get it sorted.