Recently, I've been taking my camera to gigs that I have not performed at before so I can blog about them and create a search term on my website.

My intention for these pictures is solely to stick on the website. I'm not selling these pics as an extra service, nor am I going to blow them up for promotional material. In an ideal world, I would have photographers send me pictures for every gig I do in return for a mention and a link back to their site, but sometimes they don't want to do that (and that's fine, of course - it is their decision).

I know these pictures are not 'pro quality', but are they good enough for me to continue with this path (whilst also improving my own photography skills in the process - win/win, and all that), or are they not good enough and actually make my site look amateurish?

Blog One
Blog Two
Blog Three
Blog Four

For those that go hunting, you will see that some of my earlier blogs have (in hindsight) really bad pics and I am in the process of rectifying those, but my question is that is my current level of photography good enough to sell my service, or do I need to stop for now and try again after I improve further?