Well, upon checking, our hosting is paid up until August. So we've at least got until then to enjoy the forum, and hopefully think of ways to attract and get more engagement on here prior to that.

The offers of hosting etc are gratefully appreciated. For me, it's not just a cost factor - we're breaking even (currently) and able to pay the costs from the monthly subscriptions we get from you lovely folk, but the steady decline and lack of use may come to a point where it's in the red. The main factor here is the lack of use by the members, it's just soul destroying, especially knowing how much people (staff and members alike) have devoted to place. I'd hate to see this place just get to the stage where it's a complete ghost town. Hence my thinking best just to call it a day while we have fond memories of the place.

As said though, we're good up until August, so no decisions have to be made yet. As always, your thoughts and input are appreciated.