At the beginning of the year, I started keeping a spreadsheet of every enquiry that comes to me. I keep track as to where they likely have come from, where they go and everything in between for the purpose of analysing it in a year's time and seeing what it is telling me. It's certainly an eye opener.

Conversion of number enquiries to booked: 15%

Sourced from:
Other suppliers who have recommended me: 1.75% (Won 1.4% of overall bookings)
Venue recommendations: 17.5% (Won 7% of overall bookings)
Social Media: 2.45% (Won 0% of overall bookings)
Online Directories & Wedding Fayres: 35.7% (Won 1% of overall bookings)
Search Engine: 40.3% (Won 5.3% of overall bookings)
Previous Guest of Client: 1.4% (Won 0.7% of overall bookings)

I think that it's still too early to really dig deep into this data, but it certainly shows a bit of a trend in certain places. Does anyone else keep this much data for their work, or am I being far too nerdy?