View Full Version : Law

  1. New Fire Safety laws
  2. DJ's being licenced, just like doormen licence
  3. Digital DJ License
  4. Changes required to Websites and Electronic documents
  5. PaT testing requirement DJ's
  6. Contracts...
  7. Registering @ Companies House
  8. PAT and PLI
  9. Guidance on your Business and the Law about it.
  10. Contractual Obligations
  11. New rules
  12. cancellations contracts terms and conditions
  13. last minute booking obligations
  14. Photographs of Children
  15. Oh Dear - Here we go
  16. Here's on for you
  17. Terms & Conditions...
  18. Tax etc.
  19. Help!!!
  20. Closing down the business
  21. how do customers sign my terms & conditions?
  22. Mobile DJ Laws?
  23. Help with PLI
  24. Licenses
  25. Legal Requirments
  26. Refundable deposits.
  27. Residency Contracts
  28. My contract
  29. Hire insurance
  30. PAT Certificate
  31. Getting T+C checked by a solicitor
  32. Method Statement
  33. Youtube Downloaders?
  34. Verbal contracts
  35. Pro Dub - Has it lived up to the hype?
  36. Where do I stand?
  37. Scam I think
  38. Cancelled, now they want money back!
  39. Produb License / PPL
  40. Produb license query again!!!
  41. Whisch license???
  42. Goods Vehicle Test
  43. PRS doing themselves no favours
  44. Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)
  45. just a quick one
  46. Terms/Insurance for Hire Equipment
  47. Contract questions
  48. iTunes
  49. Law About House Partys ?
  50. Digital Economy Bill.
  51. New lasers laws
  52. ProDub
  53. Health and safety acts and rules I need to follow??
  54. Repairs - where do I stand
  55. My Residency requires 10 million PLI
  56. Emailing contracts
  57. A step in the right direction?
  58. Complaint Procedure
  59. My venue has sent an indemnity form - advice?
  60. Elf and Safety!
  61. Advertising Company gone bust.....
  62. Another produb ish post
  63. Client Contract Template Help!
  64. Towing trailers - the facts
  65. LOML - Music on my website - Licence
  66. Distance Selling Regulations
  67. speaker help
  68. NADJ membership - insurance question.
  69. Agent has emailed mp3 to me from client!
  70. Cancellation
  71. Safe systems of work
  72. Registered address
  73. facebook photos
  74. My T&C's
  75. Hiring out Music
  76. Employment insurance and health insurance?
  77. Annoyed
  78. Sound Limiter Law
  79. Contracts and postponements
  80. Transportation Of Equipment
  81. Contracts
  82. E Signatures
  83. Contract virgin!
  84. Advice needed
  85. ProDub Licence Question
  86. Information Commission - Customer Data storage
  87. Contracts - how many?
  88. Use of Image of DJ at Mansfield Traquair, Edinburgh in a Magazine
  89. Contract Term queried.
  90. 'Fair Use' proposed for the UK - but not for DJs
  91. Performing Rights Licence for School discos
  92. Best approach to counter noise complaints.
  93. Legal help re bounced cheque ..... Please!!!
  94. Posting a Bad Review of a Wedding Supplier
  95. Not sure where I stand on this one - help appreciated!
  96. Contract Template
  97. Amount of Public Liability
  98. Refusing Bookings - "Discriminative"?
  99. COVID Risk Assessment
  100. Well, it's happened. Event cancelled due to Covid
  101. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but....