View Full Version : Re-booted website: opinions please

Jonny Boy
01-03-2010, 12:26 PM
After goodness know how long bangin' on about it, finally managed to re-write and re-boot my website. Still far from perfect, and hoping when funds allow to re-boot again with a (bespoke?) CMS based site..

Well, still a few bloopers on there, but have done as well as I can and hope it's passable. Still missing many images, which I hope to get round to adding as more gigs come in.

Amateurish coding using Dramweaver, in places, and am sure there are better solutions to things, but pretty much have improvised with the limited coding I can get.

Main worry is it looks "OK" on small screen, but I have now way of checking how layout works in different resolutions, and browsers (firefox, google chrome etc) or indeed on phone browsers. (Is it safari on the i-phone??) If you have access to other browsers, would welcome any feedback on how site works there.

ANYWAY - would welcome any suggestions and opinions.... but to quote The King...Don't Be Cruel. ;-)


Thanks in antici........pation.

Jonny Boy
aka Jon Paul

01-03-2010, 01:26 PM
Front page impression: too much text, background too dark, frontpage too wide and too long, pics are difficult to see.
:) peace

01-03-2010, 04:28 PM
Colour, stretched pictures just the beginning.

Do yourself a favour and find a template to use, will make your site a billion times better.