View Full Version : PLI Validator Images

DMX Will
03-01-2007, 11:51 AM
Last year when uploading my PLI certificate (which went through fine as
I've got the green tick in the directory) I never recieved any information about getting the PLI Validator image for my website.

Now I'm sure this is my fault for not doing something the like, but I've just uploaded this years PLI certificate and would like to know how I am to go about getting the logo once my certificate has been processed :)

Cheers Guys,


Corabar Entertainment
03-01-2007, 02:24 PM
Just type yourweb address in on the PLI Validator (or PAT Validator) site to check that it is verified, and the next screen will say when you were verified and give you the code to get the graphics displayed on your website.

As a PS to this one: some people previously uploaded their PAT or PLI and placed the graphics on their site, but didn't upload renewals this year...... IF YOU DID NOT UPLOAD YOUR RENEWAL, YOU SHOULD NO LONGER BE DISPLAYING THE GRAPHICS and furthermore, it will probably lose you custom, because when a client clieck on that graphic, it will say that you are NOT approved, and so it will look like you are trying to defraud the customers: either remove the graphic, or upload your current certificates!!! :D

03-01-2007, 03:03 PM
As a PS to this one: some people previously uploaded their PAT or PLI and placed the graphics on their site, but didn't upload renewals this year...... IF YOU DID NOT UPLOAD YOUR RENEWAL, YOU SHOULD NO LONGER BE DISPLAYING THE GRAPHICS and furthermore, it will probably lose you custom, because when a client clieck on that graphic, it will say that you are NOT approved, and so it will look like you are trying to defraud the customers: either remove the graphic, or upload your current certificates!!! :D

Cant Beat that Logic :D :D

DMX Will
03-01-2007, 04:30 PM
Cheers Ang :)