View Full Version : What do you think?

13-09-2007, 07:43 AM
Hi everyone,

Can you let me know what you think of my website, I'm going to give it a major overhaul in the next couple of months but would like to know what I should add/remove.


Marc J
13-09-2007, 12:29 PM
Can't figure out if you're selling Insurance or Mobile Disco Services?

I don't like the Slide gallery, and your use of quicktime throws up security warnings for me, but then I am ultra paranoid so might be OK.

20-12-2007, 09:45 PM
Hi, Well I'm not an expert but, the key details are certainly there. I like the fact that you've put photos of the lights so the average Jo know what they are. The video could of been shot in a big hall and show the effect from their point of view (facing the lights). You could add a little smoke to give it some zing. :)

21-12-2007, 09:50 AM
Not a bad site.

The only page I'd lose is the equipment page, as this might be of interest to other DJs, but will mean absolutely nothing to clients. You have a video of your lights working elsewhere on the site anyway.

On the christmas parties page, the music needs to go, as I think most people will find this really annoying.

The contact page is a bit strange, as the contact form is the only way to contact you, which I think is very restricting. I would at least add an email link and a telephone number.

Finally, I don't think the home page is clear enough about what you do. Apart from the heading, the text does not tell them you provide mobile discos, there are no disco photos, and I think the links add to the confusion.

I would amend the first bit of text from "We are a local company..." to "We are a local company providing mobile discos..." The links could also be moved to another page, and I think you should add some disco photos to the home page to reinforce what you do.

Hope this helps.
