Thought I'd ask how you feel Pro Dub has worked for you?
Reason I ask? Well I sent an email to them highlighting my disappointment over the lack of enforcement over the licence.
I have a residency at a very respectable holiday center and during a recent meeting about christmas functions for this year wegot a little off topic and Produb came up in the converstaion.
Although they are aware of it ( i told them) and they have checked with them about what they are supposed to do (ie check the database) they still have not heard anything about it on a business level. It would appear it's not being enforced or publicised< (doubt thats spelt right) at all. Any way that what I emailed to complain about as I know a fair few don't have it & should do and I was wondering as to the point of continueing with it. At least 3 months on still no reply.
Any similar experiences?
(off topic) reference a thread elsewhere on the site that got a little heated?
I am one of thoes disco people that a venue tries to encourage the client to use me as their disco - Why? It's free - built into the price of the function if you like so if they want to use another provider no problem they still get paid.
Sorry had to get that in but I only read all about the fiasco tonight.