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Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)
Just caught the last few seconds of Panorama this evening and they were discussing the new procedures that are being put in place to replace CRB checks.
From a very quick look (and I do mean quick... I haven't researched this in any depth), but it looks like it may / could apply to DJs.
There is a requirement for any person who is taking part is regulated activity to register with the ISA, and part of the definition of 'Regulated Activity' is "any activity of a specified nature that involves contact with children or vulnerable adults frequently, intensively and/or overnight. (Such activities include teaching, training, care, supervision, advice, treatment and transportation.)", or "any activity allowing contact with children or vulnerable adults that is in a specified place frequently or intensively. (Such places include schools and care homes.)
It goes on to say "'Regulated activity’ is when the activity is frequent (once a month or more) or ‘intensive’ (takes place on three or more days in a 30-day period)."
Now, I'm not saying that a DJ taking on kids parties does fall within this remit..... but it could. (I wouldn't like to say one way or the other with out further investigation).
My question is, has anybody looked into it is any great detail yet / actually made enquiries of the ISA? and, if so, what was the outcome?

Originally Posted by
Corabar Entertainment
Now, I'm not saying that a DJ taking on kids parties does fall within this remit..... but it could. (I wouldn't like to say one way or the other with out further investigation).
Surely if it did, then it would only be applicable if the DJ/entertainer were left in sole charge of children?
Unless the ISA is completely different from CRB?
It does appear to be very different: even "cleaners, caretakers, shop workers, catering staff, car park attendants and receptionists" are classed as conducting a 'controlled activity'!
From what I gathered looking quickly, anybody affected must register and pay a fee. It is an offence for anyone to conduct a controlled or regulated activity without registration. The registered person will then be given an ISA registration number. Anybody will then be able to apply for your record (with your permission - ie, you give them your registration number).... even domestic 'employers' (eg the parents of the kids)
It's whether or not the DJ is conducting a regulated activity is the question. If no-one has looked into this yet, I think I'll bounce an email off to the ISA for clarification.
If it does mean DJ's I refuse to register. How about dealing with those in society that are a danger and not treating us all like pedo's.
Sick of this heap of pants country.

Originally Posted by
If it does mean DJ's I refuse to register. How about dealing with those in society that are a danger and not treating us all like pedo's.
That's a rather blinkered view. If it saves one child from perverts, then it's worth it.

Originally Posted by
If it does mean DJ's I refuse to register. How about dealing with those in society that are a danger and not treating us all like pedo's.
Sick of this heap of pants country.
I was thinking something similar.
I come into contact with more children walking down the street than I do at discos, so maybe I should register with the ISA so that I can walk down the street without breaking any laws!

Originally Posted by
Solitaire Entertainments Ltd
That's a rather blinkered view. If it saves one child from perverts, then it's worth it.
Darren - do you really think sanitising the whole nation at great cost is going to make a difference. They rehouse them in our communities and so that they don't lose track of them we all have to pay the price of being checked out.
As a civilised nation we don't want to face up to how to properly deal with them, so we have what we have. A system that doesn't work.
The one advantage it seems to have over CRB is that it is ONE registration that anyone can access... as opposed to having to have CRB for every employer, every year.
PS: Can we try and keep this on topic and not take it off into a political discussion? Pretty please?

Originally Posted by
Darren - do you really think sanitising the whole nation at great cost is going to make a difference.
As I said, if it saves one child, then it is worth it.
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