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Thread: All Subscriptions Now Include Monthly Downloads

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Cool All Subscriptions Now Include Monthly Downloads

    Hey guys - it's been a while since I last posted in here. We've been up to our ears in code, working on the new member's area.

    For the uninitiated, we now offer Dual Delivery of all subscriptions - this means we're able to make the monthly collections available digitally as soon as we've signed off on the masters - up to one week ahead of the physical discs being dispatched.

    We've developed this service from the ground up in-house over the last 6 months, banging our heads together with various web technologies (JQUERY, AJAX, HTML5 et al).

    Attachment 16867

    As you can see from the attached screeny - the last three months of your subscription are available to download at any time. The downloads are served as individual zips directly from Amazon's CDN - this means absolutely blistering speeds for you, even at peak times (we've maxed it out at 20MB/s throughput on a single connection ).

    It's a constant work in progress - we're continually revising and adding features to make even the most dull aspects as stress-free as possible (automatic VAT receipt generation ).

    To enable Dual Delivery just make sure you leave it in your cart when placing an order - it's just £2.95p/month no matter how many discs you receive. If you're already a member just head to www.cdpool.com/login to check out the area.

    I'd love to hear your feedback on this as we are looking to continually improve this end of the service. Lossless is on the agenda for the near future .

    Elliot // CD Pool
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    ianforest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    West Sussex


    This is very cool guys and i've been using it for a few months now. The new layout is awesome and very very welcome!
    just ian
    Wedding DJ - DISCOfever

  3. #3
    Shaun's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    The dual delivery is a nice option. However, I'd be more impressed with being able to select a single delivery preference. As a purely a digital user that doesn't use compact discs, it makes more sense for me to have the option to select which delivery method I would prefer (CD or Digital Download).

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