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Thread: Refusing Bookings - "Discriminative"?

  1. #1
    Jonny Boy's Avatar
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    Default Refusing Bookings - "Discriminative"?

    We've all probably seen news items about (mainly American) wedding/party suppliers (Cake makers and DJs) being sued for discriminating again same-sex couples. That's not something that would ever be an issue for me personally HOWEVER, reading today about the possibility of David Cameron recinding the ban on fox hunting - which is something I DO find morally distasteful - it got me thinking.

    I entertained at a local Hunt's Annual Ball earlier this year, and while I felt a little uncomfortable, I decided that because - at least ostensibly - they operated within the law and foxes had not be harmed I was in enough of a grey area to continue with the booking despite my personal views. I performed for them to the best of my ability.

    However, imagining ahead, if they group returned to 'traditional' blood-sport practices, my personal conscience would feel a lot more compromised. I did notice that this year the enquiry came phrased as simply a "social-group annual dinner-dance" - with me only discovering the nature of the group later on after saying the date was available and beginning the booking process.

    I'd never dream to 'preach' to the hunt-master on my particular viewpoint, but really don't know how I could honestly do the job well with the personal distaste I'd be experiencing.

    I suppose the same is true for others who choose not to work for other groups, such as travellers, or weddings for members of certain religious groups/cults. Is it only discrimination if one *expresses* why you're turning down work after you've agreed to do it in principle?

    How would YOU legally and tactfully back out of a booking which offended your own personal moral compass?

  2. #2
    Disco Dude! DeckstarDeluxe's Avatar
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    If it was to the point that I would feel it would impact on my ability to perform to best of my abilities then in my position I'd provide a DJ who didn't have an issue (I'm not a huge multi op but we do have 3/4 discos out on certain nights so not a massive deal).

    For the sake of covering your backside it would depend if you've signed on the dotted line (our process is a signed e-contract online and deposit paid) so if prior to that then backing out isn't a huge deal. If it has been booked in then it depends on the clauses in your contract as to as and how you can back out if required.


    I struggle to think of anything that I would have an issue with unless it was some sort of extremist group to the point I would want to back out....
    The Cheltenham Wedding DJ

    DDWES Event Hire


  3. #3
    Dinosaur Excalibur's Avatar
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    Really good question. Off the top of my head I can't think of any person or organisation I wouldn't work for on a matter of principle. I'm sure they exist, I just can't think of them instantly.

    I fully support anyone turning away business if their conscience says so.

    Edit: Ah. I see you've started the process before being made aware of the full story. Very tricky, and probably far too complicated for me to add anything useful. Sorry.

    I like the description of them as " The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible ".
    Last edited by Excalibur; 10-07-2015 at 01:14 PM.
    Excalibur. Older than the average DJ.


  4. #4
    Daryll's Avatar
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    Same sex weddings ...no problem

    mixed race wedding.............no problem

    even a butchers do..........no problem ( I am a veggie)

    but...................any group that promotes cruelty to animals..................no

    And yes , I do live in the country side , I accept that these things go on , but it does not mean i have to like it

    darylldj.co.uk , serving hampshire , Surrey and sussex

  5. #5
    Shakermaker Promotions's Avatar
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    Same here Daryll....exactly the same.

  6. #6
    Ezekiel 25:17 funkymook's Avatar
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    In this scenario the Hunt group do not come under the protected characteristics as defined under The Equality Act so you can quite happily refuse to work for them on the basis that you do not support hunting.

    If I was booked and then later found out it was for a group I didn’t want to work for that did not come under the protected characteristics then I’d cancel it on the basis I wouldn’t have accepted it if I had known.

  7. #7
    DazzyD's Avatar
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    Under the Equality Act, you can't discriminate against people on grounds of sexual orientation, gender, religion or age (with age being the subject which is swept under the carpet more often than the others). Fox hunting isn't covered by any of those categories so you'd be well within your rights to refuse to provide a service to a fox hunting group. Despite comments to the contrary, this really isn't a grey area. It's pretty straight-forward to be fair. The groups of people you can't discriminate against are set out in the statute books meaning it's one of the areas in law which isn't really open to the level of interpretation that other laws are.

    Martin beat me to it!!
    Dazzy D
    Lightning Disco & Entertainment

    Born to make you party!

  8. #8
    Jonny Boy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the Equalities Act clarification guys - I'd imagine disctiminating on race would also be covered?

    I guess this also means I can safely bat away all those Scientologist bookings that keep cropping up... most of them are OK but that one guy, Tom, *will* keep jumping on the sofas..... ;-)
    Last edited by Jonny Boy; 10-07-2015 at 05:17 PM.

  9. #9
    DazzyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny Boy View Post
    Thanks for the Equalities Act clarification guys - I'd imagine disctiminating on race would also be covered?

    I guess this also means I can safely bat away all those Scientologist bookings that keep cropping up... most of them are OK but that one guy, Tom, *will* keep jumping on the sofas..... ;-)
    Race is covered under the Equality Act but it goes even further with the Race Relations Acts 1965, 1976 (with multiple amendments since).

    Unfortunately, Scientology was deemed a "religion" by the UK High Court in 2013 (when it decided that a religion didn't need a God after all!) so, technically, it will be covered under the Equality Act. You might want to find a better excuse for sidestepping those bookings (25th August? Aw, sorry, I'm fully booked that night. And sorry, Tom, there is no one else available that I could recommend. Sorry again! )
    Dazzy D
    Lightning Disco & Entertainment

    Born to make you party!

  10. #10
    yourdj's Avatar
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    I turned down a premium booking today as they wanted a black booth and D&B, i told them i was busy - job done. Turns out my assistant got the booking anyway.

    i generally don't do weddings that involve cheesy dance move music and offensive customers (any class of person). Pretty picky really with venues too. The only other time is when i am not suited for the event - e.g. asian wedding that want lots of obscure R&B/asian music. I have struggled at too many indian, Muslim, Mauritian, chinese etc. etc. and only really do European majority weddings now. Fine if its a 50/50 split but not 100% as i have not got a clue about music and traditions. I will always try to help someone find the right DJ though.

    I had a meeting yesterday for a halloween pagan (well she is pagan anyway) wedding and she wants a lot of very obscure rock. I was very blunt with them and said I will not do this wedding, but i know a man that can, he specialises in that and will be the best person for the job.

    I suggest you get a posh DJ for your fox hunting event that doesn't care about fox hunting.

    If you don't like gay people, fox hunters, chavs, posh people, etc. etc. then why should you put yourself in the position of running their entertainment, don't see a problem there at all as you don't have to tell them that, people are far too uptight these days (Cue PC Shaker maker). Your definitely not in the wrong about fox hunting as thats quite a popular anti-sport and does not really have much relevance to modern society (a bit like bull fighting etc.) or countryside management (other than the social aspect). I have not seen anything relating to any negative aspects of there being more foxes.

    On the flip side I bet its a good party though (easy too and you won't have a problem with paying one would assume 'old boy').
    I do a lot of polo match balls and thats great fun.
    Last edited by yourdj; 11-07-2015 at 04:55 PM.
    Your DJ - Mobile DJ The New Forest, Southampton & Hampshire. Toby

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