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Thread: Friday's playlist

  1. #11
    yourdj's Avatar
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    The New Forest


    Quote Originally Posted by mattydj50 View Post
    She did tell me three times that I was "amazing for what I was doing" and that she loved the music.

    At the end of the night she simply walked out. Didn't say thank you or goodbye to me, the function manager, the bar staff or any of her guests!

    Groom and a few friends stayed talking in the bar for 20 minutes or so afterwards.
    I am imagining this:

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    If it makes you feel better, I had 2 very random first dance tracks and then a Sinatra track on Saturday. I said to the Groom in a diplomaatic manner 'do you think this will work', (insinuating that it will go down like a lead balloon) But he said 'lets try it' and I set up a very good first dance with everyone round the floor and an entrance. I usually like to suss the guests out before trying to suggest anything as you never know!! These guys though were just not going to connect to the music they wanted!

    Despite a few well meaning guests dancing everyone very quickly lost interest and started chatting, even turning their backs to them etc. Very tough night after that and i am sure its linked. A good start always has an impact. We ended well which is key, but it always gets me down as i could have done things differently etc. He apologised today by email, but i still feel I could have done it better, good I care I guess. Even had a bad dream about it this morning LOL
    Last edited by yourdj; 15-05-2017 at 09:18 PM.
    Your DJ - Mobile DJ The New Forest, Southampton & Hampshire. Toby

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