Hello everyone, my name is Phil. I recently retired and have never been a DJ. Music was my first love, and now, having spare time, I'm looking into the possibilities of DJing as a hobby.
Hello everyone, my name is Phil. I recently retired and have never been a DJ. Music was my first love, and now, having spare time, I'm looking into the possibilities of DJing as a hobby.
Hello Phil, and, even if you are on the wrong side of the Pennines.
It's quite easy to find the kit nowadays, and basic kit can be picked up for sensible money. Ask questions here, because you can easily buy the latest flashing light, or super dooper speaker, and find out that it's totally unsuitable for purpose. Many folk would suggest good s/h professional kit as a starting point.
Any questions, ask away, someone on here will know the answer.
Enjoy the ride..
Mad, bad & dangerous to know
Better to study for one hour with the wise, than to drink wine with the foolish.
The opinions of Corabar Steve are not necessarily those of Corabar Entertainment, or any of its subsidiaries