Text Talk, bad spelling, poor grammar, and literacy laziness.
I brought this point up in another post after a new member pointed out that it was too ‘picky’ to remind people of the forum rules.
Whilst I understand that several of our members may have some form of dyslexia, in many of the cases here on the forum it’s nothing more than downright laziness. We’re slap bang in the middle of a ‘TXT’ culture (purposely mi-spelt), where it’s beginning to be the norm for people to abbreviate as many words as possible. All too often people play the dyslexia card as an excuse for lazy typing. Quite frankly it’s an insult to the people who have dyslexia and make a huge effort to write, post and constantly improve as best they can.
I am very bad at spelling and grammar (just ask Marc J, who proof read my website for mistakes). I constantly have to check, double check and check again for mistakes in my own posts. Even then a lot slip through the net. It’s because I realise I have short fallings that I continuously have to keep on top of things, as I don’t want to carry over my failings into my business correspondence. By trying to post ‘properly’ here on the forum, it helps polish up my spelling and grammar for when I use it everyday in my business. I can only imagine how it would appear to the customer if I didn’t make a concise effort to convey a professional image during letters and emails.
To finish - my biggest issue here on the forum is the constant over use of text talk. I won’t repeat the forum rule again, but if anyone is unsure of the forum guidelines please have a quick refresh of the forum rules. Thank you.